Plot Steel Empire

1 plot

1.1 setting
1.2 republic of silverhead , motorhead empire
1.3 mission questline


the game has steampunk-inspired setting, during year 18xx of age of steel , age familiar . in earlier game materials, explained being 19th century of alternate history. however, in later game materials, explained alternatively possible future scenario in world has been depleted of resources, forcing of world steam power. materials, including original japanese versions, hold alternate 19th century explanation case. in age of steel , mammoth, floating, steam-powered battleships cruise skies , gigantic armored locomotives carry cannons size of railway cars. military coup has occurred in world s largest city, dama ( dama in asian markets, damd in english versions) , power-hungry dictator, industrialist , robber baron general styron ( styron in english versions, sauron in asian markets) rules brute force , military might, goliath-like defenses carrying armor-piercing missiles , lethal aerial mines. none strong enough stand against him, styron sets vision of steel , steam on whole planet.

the republic of silverhead , motorhead empire

general styron s steel empire commonly called motorheads subjects , enemies alike, due steel empire s emblem of blue-grey, steel, mustachioed colossal head, emitting steam. although motorheads have conquered , enslaved of world, 1 small independent republic remains free , defiant. republic of silverhead, placed far reach of steel empire, centered in antarctica, , of greatest minds in world have fled styron s tyranny. silverhead impressively ahead of time in technology however; whereas motorheads still rely on steam power, dynamite , coal burning religious zeal, silverhead has perfected sustainable energy, geothermal energy, , cold fusion. if wider world harness power of lightning , atom, pose threat styron s coal , steam-based status quo, , abominations of nature dictator see ended.

silverhead have small yet elite air force, symbol silver eagle star between wings. although dwarfed in number legions of motorhead, silverheads renowned both advanced technology of aircraft , aerial skill of pilots. silverhead air force feared imamio thunder – known lightning bomb silverhead s enemies – more powerful in motorhead s arsenal. silverhead last hope freedom, , alone have will, , weapons, bring motorhead s downfall.

mission questline

the player silverhead pilot, launched titanic-sized, airborne, propelled aircraft carrier rheinhalt, , has choice of 2 different class of aircraft each mission. game begins motorhead empire attacking mining city of rahl, ally of silverhead in southern patagonia, , player tasked retaking it. further several missions take player vast subterranean (and partially submerged) caverns of liedengel motorhead gathering surprise attack force against silverhead; sky district zektor; , foremost defenses of steel empire – heavily fortified gardandi islands, lay in front of dama, motorhead s capital city. final assault occurs in heart of motorhead, steampunk metropolis of dama, , within cavernous germburn fortress. finally, after general styron has launched himself orbit via space cannon, player must pursue him , flagship past atmosphere , space. styron s flagship unfurls solar sail-powered, monstrously-powered, flaming leviathan, , last battle takes place on moon. if player victorious, styron s ship shown crashing moon; credits play; , end shows on bleak lunar surface beneath glowing earth. player/silverhead craft seen, however, leaving fate of protagonist unconcluded.
