Description and history United States Customhouse and Post Office (Wiscasset, Maine)

postcard ca. 1920

wiscasset s first customs office opened in 1791, , located in small building adjacent home of collector, francis cook. building later moved bradford street , converted private residence; later burned down. next customhouse built in 1790s, , destroyed in wiscasset s 1866 fire. present building designed alfred b. mullett, supervising architect of united states treasury department, , completed in 1870 william hogan, local contractor. hogan @ first raided fort edgecomb bricks, until war department put halt activity, , took stones family cemetery s enclosing wall.

the building @ first housed both customs , post office facilities. wiscasset ceased port of entry in 1913, , parts of building occupied other government offices until 1960s, when post office moved new facilities. building sold private ownership, , has served variety of commercial , residential purposes since.
