Lists of the .22external.22 cardinals External cardinal

1 lists of external cardinals

1.1 cardinal-abbots

1.1.1 disputed cases

1.2 cardinals – diocesan bishops (11–13th century)

1.2.1 disputed case

1.3 cardinals renounced cardinalate after appointments external bishoprics

1.3.1 disputed cases

1.4 cardinals served administrators or prelates of external churches (until 13th century)

lists of external cardinals

note: external cardinals have been divided 4 subcategories, of whom first 2 concern external cardinals sensu stricto. cardinals belonged more 1 subcategory. disputed cases listed separately @ end of each subsection. cardinals created antipopes ( pseudocardinals ) included.


the list arranged chronologically date of appointment of abbot cardinalate or of cardinal abbacy.

disputed cases

cardinals – diocesan bishops (11–13th century)

the list arranged chronologically date of appointment of bishop cardinalate or of cardinal episcopate.

disputed case

cardinals renounced cardinalate after appointments external bishoprics

the list arranged chronologically date of appointment of cardinal external episcopal see , renouncement of cardinalate.

disputed cases

cardinals served administrators or prelates of external churches (until 13th century)
