Synopsis The Agony and the Ecstasy (film)

michelangelo buonarroti (charlton heston) renowned sculptor of republic of florence in 16th century. when pope julius ii (rex harrison) commissions him paint sistine chapel, michelangelo resists because finds ceiling s paneled layout of twelve apostles uninspiring. nonetheless, forced taking job. during initial attempt, michelangelo discontent results , destroys frescoes. flees carrara , mountains, finds inspiration nature.

michelangelo returns , allowed paint entire vault in variety of newly designed biblical scenes. work proceeds nonstop, mass in session, months turn years. michelangelo s work threatened when collapses due fatigue. nursed health contessina de medici (diane cilento), daughter of old friend lorenzo de medici. after recovering, michelangelo returns work after learning @ risk of being replaced raphael (tomas milian).

meanwhile, papal states threatened during war of league of cambrai. preparing battle , having reached limits of patience, pope terminates michelangelo s contract. raphael, impressed work in progress, asks michelangelo show humility , finish ceiling. when injured , weakened pope returns, michelangelo pleads him restore patronage. though pope believes invasion of rome inevitable, raises money needed resume work on ceiling.

one night, michelangelo finds ailing pope inspecting portrait of god in creation of adam, pope declares proof of faith. collapses , becomes bedridden. though assumes pope die, michelangelo goads him having live. tide of war turns in favor of papal states, allies pledge assist pope.

a mass held in congregation shown completed ceiling. after ceremony, michelangelo asks begin carving pope s tomb. realizing has short time live, pope agrees. together, men admire masterpiece of sistine chapel.
