Description Red-headed trogon

from neora valley national park, west bengal, india.

standard measurements


the red-headed trogon on average 34 cm (13 in) in length. male has red head , breast, unique feature in trogon group. female resembles diard’s trogon without speckled undertail.

close-up of male s head. note blue eye-ring , blue bill

the head, neck , upper breast of adult male dull crimson. narrow white band crosses mid breast, underneath lower breast abdomen light red pink. pale red can observed on flanks whereas mantle , of bird rusty brown. male perches on branches support of mauve-blue legs. regarding wing colouration, lesser , median wing coverts, secondary coverts, outer webs of tertials , secondaries vermiculated black , white. primary feathers appear black , white. bird’s long tail, central feathers dark brown black tip, second , third pairs black , outer pairs white black bases. finally, black-tipped cobalt blue bill, deep mauve-blue gape , eyering , reddish-brown irises shape bird’s face.

the head, neck , upper breast of adult female olive-brown. male, narrow white band crosses mid breast, underneath lower breast abdomen light red pink. mantle , appear orange brown in colour. wings vermiculated dark brown , yellowish brown. tail feathers similar of males. bill, gape , bare eyering pale blue on females.

at juvenile stage, head, neck , upper-parts buff brown, whereas underparts appear buff white. no black tip on narrower central tail feathers can observed.
