System Ars Magica

1 system

1.1 die-rolling conventions
1.2 magic system
1.3 character development

die-rolling conventions

ars magica s mechanics use ten-sided die. perform typical action, 1 of 8 characteristics (intelligence, perception, strength, stamina, presence, communication, dexterity or quickness, each rated -5 +5 humans; characteristic of 0 average ) added relevant ability, , d10 rolled. total of characteristic + ability + die roll compared target difficulty or ease factor; action succeeds if rolled total greater or equal target number.

if action routine or trivial , nothing in particular @ stake, roll read 1-10 , added total (this called simple roll ). if there opportunity exceptional success or failure, die read 0-9 , called stress roll. stress rolls, results of 1 , 0 have special significance. 1 rerolled , result doubled (consecutive 1 s redouble eventual non-1 (two consecutive ones = x4, 3 = x8, etc.). roll of 0 re-rolled (more once in cases of hazardous activity) botch roll. if botch die comes 0 , action has been botched: failed in disastrous way. otherwise, roll merely equals zero.

magic system

the centerpiece of ars magica system of hermetic magic devised bonisagus. consists of 15 arts, divided 5 techniques , 10 forms. called verb/noun system: technique verb (what effect magic has), , form noun (the entity, object or substance affected or brought forth). these verb-noun combinations can used cast both formulaic spells (which recorded in texts, learned through study , mastered through experience, , have known, fixed effects) , spontaneous spells (which caster improvises no prior knowledge other arts themselves, giving potential results greater flexibility lower potency). every apprentice (with few ex miscellanea exceptions) opened in 15 arts before joining order; each art begins score of 0 , mage may increase 1 of them during season (see below).

each technique named first-person singular present tense indicative latin verb:

creo ( create ) brings objects , substances existence nothing, or makes already-existing target more perfect version of (e.g. healing magic, healed bodies nearer perfection wounded bodies).
intellego ( perceive ) detects or reveals, enhances target s natural senses or conveys supernatural ones.
muto ( transform ) alters nature of being, object or substance, adding unnatural traits and/or removing natural ones.
perdo ( destroy ) decays, disintegrates or otherwise diminishes target, making worse example of kind (i.e. opposite of creo).
rego ( control ) involves manipulation of target in way not alter nature, e.g. direct target s movement, put creature sleep, or force tree bear fruit out of season. main technique used in spells of protection or warding .

each form named singular accusative latin noun:

animal affects natural living things not plants or humans, doing animals mentem , corpus spells people things made animal products such leather, wool, cheese, silk, etc. since bacteria unknown in medieval times, illness (e.g.) considered either form of possession or imbalance of bodily humors ; thus, magic dealing disease relegated variously creo, mentem and/or vim effects.
auram affects lightning, wind , gaseous substances; other weather effects typically require aquam requisite (see below).
aquam used liquid, exception of blood (which requires animal or corpus magic affect); non-liquid forms of water involve requisites (see below).
corpus (the incorrect declension corporem used in older editions) applies human body, making crucial longevity formulas.
herbam involves plants, applies equally organic matter, living or dead, not of animal origin.
ignem involves light , heat, , heavily represented in fire spells of house flambeau.
imaginem (previously imagonem) deals images, sounds, , other sensory stimuli (thus involved in illusionary effects).
mentem deals emotions, memories, thoughts , spirits.
terram involves earth , minerals: mere soil simplest target, while stone, metal , gems require progressively greater investment of spell levels achieve same effect.
vim ( power ) involves magic itself, demons (the overlap not understood, fact there 1 significant obstacle order s public relations , particularly concerning church).

a mage s skill when casting spell sum of scores in appropriate technique , form.

some spells involve more 1 technique, and/or more 1 form @ once; each art used in addition basic pair called requisite. relevant art scores compared: caster s lowest technique , lowest form used, reflecting limiting of caster s magical knowledge.

regardless of how high 1 s art scores may rise, there outer boundaries application of hermetic magic (whether formulaic, spontaneous or ritual). bonisagus s theory outlines set of inherent limits, similar in concept laws of physics; 2 central, greater limits are:

there eleven lesser limits (addressing more specific blind spots such aging, creation, time , soul) thought either derive 2 greater limits, or flaws in hermetic theory may corrected .

additional statistics every spell (which have been redefined in every new edition of game) target (what or whom spell directed at), range (how far target may caster), , duration. reasons of balance, spells require expenditure of vis - magical essence in physical form - magi , covenants tend make point of hoarding and/or trading. no creo effect, example, can permanent unless vis consumed during casting. formulaic magic effective can achieved vis , elaborate, time-consuming ritual (hence, ritual spells). automatically applies spell of greater level 50, spell duration of year , , non-imagonem spell range of sight .

character development

all characters (magi, companions , grogs alike) improve abilities applying experience can earned through exposure, practice, training or study. magic, however, stressed multifaceted discipline greater variety of avenues improvement. magi expected spend months @ time books and/or laboratory equipment: inventing new spells (or learning or modifying existing ones), strengthening arts, enchanting items, , forth. ars magica includes rules magical research within game s standard advancement timescale of 3-month seasons.

these seasonal activities concern either study of text or laboratory activity. although participating in adventures, missions , other endeavors outside of seasonal activity gives characters story experience, substantial progress (and raison d etre of many in order) seasonal activities of magi. hence, time in ars magica campaign may pass faster in other rpgs (if, example, player-characters engaged in seasonal activity, standard roleplaying sessions unnecessary period) more accounted (since regular , exact periods of activity give highly defined benefits). accommodate this, many magi prolong lives unique (to each individual) longevity formulas (generally called longevity potions , though form 1 takes not potion); delays aging process, however; beyond point 1 s longevity formula have no effect @ , must reformulated (preferably increased knowledge of appropriate arts and/or greater quantities of vis. (a prevalent attitude among members of order companions in general (and grogs invariably) come , go - perhaps killed in action, living long enough retire - while magi carry on. magi may concoct longevity formulas non-magi, rare consideration, less effective devising 1 s own personal formula, , expensive prospect in time , resources in case.)

study achieved texts, each designed enhance ability, art or specific spell(s). respectable covenant inevitably requires either respectable library or sufficient commodities exchange use of other libraries, since dominant form of hermetic magic scholarly pursuit. magi able write useful books or teach can use these commodities, trading other magi books or training (though code of hermes places limits on members may sell mundanes ).

lab projects concern projects enhance 1 s repertoire of spells or magical artifacts. projects have level of effect character compares lab total : intelligence + magic theory ability + sum of form , technique + other bonuses (which may local aura, quality , specialization of lab, assistants, special knowledge, sympathetic connections items, , in circumstances additional ability). merely require lab total match level of effect; more extensive endeavors add each lab total in points until twice level of effect accumulated.

the following lab projects commonly pursued:

invent spells. magus invents new magical effect scratch. variation of known spell easier invent original one.
enchant device. magus may create magical artifact may hold magical effect of spells. these can used nonmagical individuals. cost vis make, lab total gets bonus based on sympathetic shape & material bonus of material used; e.g. if 1 enchanting <<link:2>>, fact staff gives bonus when chosen effect controlling things @ distance . can made charged devices (which cost no vis have limited number of uses), lesser devices (which may hold 1 effect, , must have level of effect lab total can reach in single season), or invested devices (which require additional preparation in advance , must enchanted on several seasons, , may hold several effects based on size , material).

enchant talisman. talisman personalized form of invested device many additional features. talismans have higher capacity effects may enchanted, , easier enchant. however, should talisman fall wrong hands, leaves magus vulnerable.

longevity ritual. creo corpus effect prolongs magus life granting bonus aging rolls, making more avoid deterioration of age typically begins after 35 years. may magus live 2 centuries or longer, barring other mishaps. magi pay specialists devise ritual them, better effect can achieve.
bond familiar. magus may form powerful mystical connection creature. animal thematically attuned magus personality and/or specialty: auram magus might bond bird, or herbam magus squirrel. bonding process long , hard, may worth effort. animal learns communicate owner, , while not become intelligent per se, brighter normal animal of type. 1 major benefit of bond familiar can invested many enchantments (with restrictions target , activation), primary, unique benefits bond scores: gold cord concerns magic, , helps magus avoid magical botches; silver cord concerns mind, helps keep magus focused , if strong enough may permit speech , telepathy between two; , bronze cord concerns body, making magus more enduring , tough.
